Jujama’s Social Feed

Social and gaming paradigms in mobile apps are now the norm. Likes, follows, hashtags, trending topics, points, in-app-purchases – all of these have been invented and cemented into the minds of working professionals in just the last decade.

A professional 22 year old working in 2008, when the App Store debuted, is now in a senior management buying position and a decision maker for their organization at 33 years of age. She has been living, working, and playing in mobile apps her entire professional career. When she sees a social feed or gaming feature in an app, she knows exactly how to use it.

We believe the billions of dollars that social and gaming platforms have spent to educate the mobile app audience is to our customer’s advantage. That is why we put these same tools at the forefront to be used by event managers. In fact, for most of our event apps in 2019, the social feed – which is our private, powerful social feature that allows posting, sponsored posts, images, video, and trending topics – was the primary and first screen event attendees would see when they logged in. We envision this continue as we approach 2020.

Social and gaming apps represented about 75% of all mobile app downloads in 2019. That’s billions of app downloads. Jujama’s mobile event apps put both social and gaming at the forefront. We believe they are that important.

To get a demo of these features please contact our experts to give you a one-on-one demonstration of how these and all of our features help hundreds of thousands of event attendees have Better Event Experiences every year.